'Holocaust' Holy Man, Elie Wiesel: "It always adds up to 6,000,000" | Maurice Pinay Blog:
Israel is the Nation of the Antichrist = Dajjal: Israel pt 1
Thomas Aquinas held:
"The rulers of the Jews knew that He was the Messiah: and if there was any ignorance in them it was affected ignorance, which could not excuse them. Therefore their sin was the most grievous, both on account of the kind of sin as well as from the malice of their will" (Summa Theologica, Q. 47, Art. 6 Pt. III).
Moreover, the Bible itself declares unambiguously the guilt of the Jewish leadership and the fact that those who adhere to the dogma of these assassins are under wrath:
"For ye brethren became followers of the churches of God which in Judea are in Christ Jesus: for ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen, even as they have of the Jews: who both killed the Lord Jesus and their own prophets and have persecuted us; and they please not God and are contrary to all men: forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they might be saved, to fill up their sins always: for the wrath is come upon them to the uttermost" (I Thessalonians 2:14-16).
No pope, preacher, president, prime minister, or professor has one scintilla of authority or competence to overthrow the preceding Words. The whole world may be arrayed against the Word of God but its force and validity endures.
The recent movement within the Church to declare opposition to Judaism an accursed form of "anti-semitic racism" is, in its inspiration and praxis, thoroughly Talmudic, for it either extinguishes the New Testament's teachings or distorts them to such a degree that they are effectively made "of none effect."
This movement must also ignore or negate 2,000 years of historic Christian exposition of these teachings.
The extra-Biblical and anti-Christian nature of this fifth column within the Church is patent. It derives its credibility almost entirely from the blind allegiance it commands from Christians duped by usurpers and traitors occupying high ecclesiastical office, and by the tremendous glamour which the media accord it.
Since the great criterion of Jesus Christ for assessing the diabolic or the divine was "by their fruits ye shall know them," we discern that the fruits of today's Protestant and Catholic leaders are mostly rotten in this regard. As such, their actions reveal that they are neither "vicars of Christ," nor His ministers or saints. They are in fact agents of Judaism in all but name.
Therefore, the various anathemas these impostors and apostates thunder against Christians, whose only crime is to believe as all the apostles, martyrs and saints of the Church always did, has about the same moral authority as a pronouncement from the Secretary General of the U.N. or the Master of the Masonic Lodge. (Given that the occupation of even the highest of church offices is no longer a guarantor of fidelity to Jesus Christ, the question of who holds true Christian authority is one of the thorniest questions facing Christians today).
[end quote]
But that question is still easily resolved, have nothing to do with the Apostate so-called leaders nor their corrupt evil false Churches.
My first duty as a follower of Christ is to remain true to Him and not try to win popularity contests or follow the majority etc.
True the 6 million is a myth, but infinitely more important is the fact that 600 billion still couldn't replace the One who is Jesus Christ. Holocaust in traditional Catholic teaching in the Old Testament means a sacrifice to God. All of the acceptable Old Testament sacrifices to God are only types of Jesus Christ the One and Only True Priest, Altar, Victim and Sacrifice, the only Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. Only by faith in Him are our sins forgiven. To replace Him and His Sacrifice with ANYTHING is an act of apostasy that will damn to hell forever anyone who makes such a vile and vain attempt at such replacement.
Palestine Cry: Palestine Cry: Public domain: Delatores
Palestine Cry: Palestine Cry: Public domain: Delatores
Palestine Cry: Public domain: Delatores
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9 years ago
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