'थंडर, उत्तम' नाग हम्मादी पुस्तकालय मैं हूँ ह्त्त्प://डी.अर्मोरी.कॉम/पुब/उसेर/लीवित्त/ग्नोसिस/ठुंदर.हटमल से ध्यान ... वित्हीं. इहूँ ... इस नातुरेस की. मैं आत्माओं की रचना कर रहा हूँ. मैं नियंत्रण और अनियन्त्रणीय रहा हूँ. मैं संघ और विघटन कर रहा हूँ. मैं और स्थायी हूँ मैं हूँ के घुला देनेवाला. मैं एक से नीचे रहा हूँ, और वे मुझे करने के लिए आते हैं. मैंने निर्णय और बरी कर रहा हूँ. मैं, मैं, और पाप की जड़ पापमुक्त हूँ मुझ से व्युत्पन्न. जो मैं सबको और जो ग्रास्पेद नहीं किया जा सकता है इस भाषण को प्राप्य है जो सुन रहा हूँ. मैं एक हूँ जो बात नहीं है, गूंगा और महान शब्द मेरे भीड़ है. (यह सरस्वती) की देवी माँ शुरुआत सभी देवताओं और देवी और सभी टोने के (माँ) / जादू उन लोगों के साथ संपर्क में था. भारत में देवी माँ दुर्गा और काली का रूप ले लेता है. इस योगिस आजीविका या शरमाना या साधु, भारत, (ईश्वर आग अग्नि देवता की पूजा बुलाया 'इस क्नोवेर जिनकी जीभ देवी काली विनाश की देवी, एक द्विलिंग देवता-देवी) प्राचीन अश्शूर / फारस से आयातित है, और कश्शाफ (टोना) की जादुई इन्कान्ताशन्स के अभ्यास में लगे हुए है और अन्य लोगों के बीच (नागिन काला जादू) प्रथाओं, नाचाश है प्राचीन मेसोपोटामिया, जो प्राचीन अश्शूर के माध्यम से अपने रास्ते वहाँ बनाया की / फारस के रूप में अच्छी तरह से. इस टोना और जादू और मनोगत प्रथाओं के साथ उसमें भगवान द्वारा देउतेरोनोमी १८:१०, ११में निंदा कर रहे हैं सूचीबद्ध के आराम के साथ यह अजीब आग (हिब्रू: एश). यह पहली दत में सूचीबद्ध है: के अंतिम घृणा १८:१०:न तो करते हैं वहाँ आप किसी भी एक के बीच में है कि उसका बेटा या बेटी एक्स्पिअते चाहिए पाया जा, उन्हें आग के माध्यम से पारित करने के लिए .... (द्रव) वह अंतिम घृणा आग बलिदान द्वारा मानव त्याग है (अग्नि में) करने के लिए झूठे देवताओं / गिर आत्माओं से अलौकिक शक्ति प्राप्त की आशा में देवी, और अपोस्ताते दूत, शैतान - शैतान, जैसा कि बाकी के मुख्य (द्रव) टोना / जादू और ज्योतिष शुरू किया, के बाद बाढ़ की दुनिया है, चल्देया सुमेरिया अस्स्य्रो -कसदियों मेसोपोटामिया में. फिर यहूदी यिस्रैल में यहूदियों की तैयारी में है, वे अपने अपने मलऊन मंदिर इन्कुल्कातेद के लिए आशा की जा रही है.
"Thunder, Perfect Mind" from the Nag Hammadi Library
I am ... within.I am ...of the natures.
I am the creation of the spirits.
I am control and the uncontrollable.
I am the union and the dissolution.
I am the abiding and I am the dissolving.
I am the one below, and they come up to me.
I am the judgement and the acquittal.
I, I am sinless, and the root of sin derives from me.
I am the hearing which is attainable to everyone and the speech which cannot be grasped.
I am a mute who does not speak, and great is my multitude of words. ( this is Sarasvati)
The Mother Goddess was the beginning (the mother) of all the gods and goddesses and all sorcery /magic in connection with them.
In India the mother goddess is Durga and takes the form of Kali.
The yogis, ajivika or sramana or sadhu, of India, worshipped the fire god Agni (the god called "The Knower" whose tongue is the goddess Kali the goddess of destruction, a hermaphrodite god-goddess) imported from ancient Assyria/Persia, and engaged in the practice of the magical incantations of the kashshaph (sorcery) and nachash (serpent black magic) practices, amongst others, of ancient Mesopotamia, which made their way there through ancient Assyria/Persia as well. This strange fire (Hebrew: esh) with the sorcery and magic and rest of the occult practices listed together therein are condemned by God in Deuteronomy 18:10, 11.
The final abomination of this is listed first in Dt:18:10: Neither let there be found among you any one that shall expiate his son or daughter, making them to pass through the fire.... (DRV)
That final abomination is human sacrifice by fire sacrifice (as in Agni) to false gods/goddesses in the hope of gaining preternatural power from fallen spirits; the apostate angel, Satan - the devil, is the chief fallen spirit of the rest and who Jesus Christ said was a murderer and a liar from the beginning. Jn:8:44: You are of your father the devil: and the desires of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning: and he stood not in the truth, because truth is not in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father thereof. (DRV)
Sorcery/magic and astrology began, in the post flood world, in Chaldaea Sumeria Assyro-Babylonian Mesopotamia.
It always, I mean always, includes the murder of children. That was the most rampant sin from the time of the fallen angels coming into the daughters of Adam (notice it is Adam again, not the daughters of Eve, it is Adam’s sin that got us where we are).
1 ¶ And after that men began to be multiplied upon the earth, and daughters were born to them,
2 The sons of God seeing the daughters of Adam, that they were fair, took to themselves wives of all which they chose.
3 ¶ And God said: My spirit shall not remain in man for ever, because he is flesh, and his days shall be a hundred and twenty years.
4 ¶ Now giants were upon the earth in those days. For after the sons of God [the fallen angels] went in to the daughters of Adam, and they brought forth children, these are the mighty men of old, men of renown. [the pre-flood nephilim, not human but with the souls of demons]
5 And God seeing that the wickedness of men was great on the earth, and that all the thought of their heart was bent upon evil at all times,
6 ¶ It repented him that he had made man on the earth. And being touched inwardly with sorrow of heart,
7 He said: I will destroy man, whom I have created, from the face of the earth, from man even to beasts, from the creeping thing even to the fowls of the air, for it repenteth me that I have made them.
8 ¶ But Noe found grace before the Lord.
And then comes the flood.
It was also the most rampant sin from the time after the flood until now. Child murder is the absolute most heinous murder there is. Abortion and infanticide are all child murder.
Alan Guttmacher did more than anyone (including Margaret Sanger) to promote the massive abortion agenda throughout the world. Human Life International reports that women abortion providers are being trained to offer the little murdered babies to mother Gaia via witchcraft. This is the sin of conjuring power from Satan by using idols and false goddesses and gods (Hercules-Melkart of Carthage is an ancient example) as mediums to channel Satan’s trap of diabolic power into oneself by the triple sin of 1) murder, 2) disobeying God by worship of Satan and 3) idolatry-sorcery.
Do you think the demon goddess Lilith will have any appreciable following in Israel amongst Israeli women? Answer: Most assuredly. Obviously the demon goddess Moloch has returned to the center of Israeli worship and that for export to Africa and the U.S., see the following:
Alan Guttmacher Institute Mission: "The Institute's mission is to protect the reproductive choices of all women and men in the United States and throughout the world. It is to support their ability to obtain the information and services needed to achieve their full human rights, safeguard their health and exercise their individual responsibilities in regard to sexual behavior and relationships, reproduction and family formation."
From Mary Meehan’s "The Road to Abortion" Copyright © 1998, 1999 & 2002 by Mary Meehan. In 1966 Dr. Alan Guttmacher, apparently trying to be witty, wrote from Africa to a U.S. colleague: "My trip has been great. I believe I converted the Jews in Israel and now I am working on the pigmented savages." This private comment from Guttmacher (who was Jewish, but not observant) came soon after his Planned Parenthood group gave an award to the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.(32)
32. William H. Draper, Jr., to P. A. Gorman, [8 or 11] Sept. 1967, Guttmacher Papers; Alan F. Guttmacher to Frank Notestein, 13 June 1966, PPFA (II), box 125; and Congressional Record (10 May 1966), vol. 112, part 8, 10164-10165. In his statement accepting the Margaret Sanger Award, Dr. King praised Sanger and family planning and spoke of "the modern plague of overpopulation." Unfortunately, he seemed unaware of the eugenics connections of Sanger and of population control in general. Ibid.
It is being inculcated again in Zionist Yisrael by the Jews in preparation, they hope, for their damned temple and the worship of Satan in that temple so that the Jews can gain the power from Satan to rule the world.
It is a hermetic principle of the Jews’ Talmudic Satanic Lurianic Cabalism that Satan is to be worshipped and that in this illuminist sense especially they, the Jews, will gain power over the whole world from their father who is Satan. The utter depths of Satanic depravity and sorcery is the slaughter of children and offering them to Satan. The so-called “blood libel” attached to Jews throughout the centuries is absolute fact. The center today of child snuff porn and every other form of diabolic depravity is the Jews’ Jerusalem. Via the Jews’ planning it on purpose, even using the Christian concept of the Antichrist as a guide to go by, this is by the Jews’ design leading up to the Antichrist in the rebuilt temple in Jerusalem, there to force all those who will apostasize from the true God to worship the Antichrist (the Dajjal) and his henchmen the Jews. To do so is eternal damnation.
Jan. 2, 2006 St. Sylvester Bishop of Rome
this brief excerpt tells what happened when Jews opposed the Church with sorcery (see above for the origin of sorcery):
...During the reign of the emperor St. Constantine the Great the Jews arranged a public debate to determine which faith was true.... St. Sylvester spoke for the Christians, and the Jews had one hundred and twenty learned rabbis led by Zambres, a magician and sorcerer.... St. Sylvester convincingly demonstrated that all the prophets foretold the birth of Jesus Christ from the all-pure Virgin, and also His voluntary suffering and death for the redemption of the fallen race of mankind, and His glorious Resurrection.
The saint was declared the victor in the debate. Then Zambres tried to resort to sorcery, but the saint obstructed the evil by calling on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Zambres and the other Jews came to believe in Jesus Christ, and they asked to be baptized.
.... End of Excerpt.
Palestine Cry: Palestine Cry: Public domain: Delatores
Palestine Cry: Palestine Cry: Public domain: Delatores
Palestine Cry: Public domain: Delatores
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9 years ago
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